- Ishan Khatri*, Kyle Vedder*, Neehar Peri, Deva
Ramanan, James Hays. I Can’t Believe It’s Not Scene Flow!.
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2024. [website] [pdf]
- Kyle Vedder, Neehar Peri, Nathaniel Chodosh, Ishan
Khatri, Eric Eaton, Dinesh Jayaraman, Yang Liu, Deva Ramanan, James
Hays. ZeroFlow: Scalable Scene Flow via Distillation. Twelfth
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2024. [website] [pdf]
- Andrea Soltoggio et al. A collective AI via lifelong learning
and sharing at the edge. Nature Machine Intelligence, 2024. [pdf]
- Megan M. Baker et al. A domain-agnostic approach for
characterization of lifelong learning systems. Neural Networks,
2023. [pdf]
- Kyle Vedder, Eric Eaton. Sparse PointPillars:
Maintaining and Exploiting Input Sparsity to Improve Runtime on Embedded
Systems. Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent
Robots and Systems (IROS), 2022. [website] [pdf]
- Kyle Vedder, Joydeep Biswas. X*: Anytime
Multi-Agent Path Finding For Sparse Domains Using Window-Based Iterative
Repairs. Artificial Intelligence (AIJ), 2021. [website] [pdf]
- Kyle Vedder, Joydeep Biswas. X*: Anytime
Multiagent Path Planning With Bounded Search. Proceedings of the
18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent
Systems (AAMAS), 2019. [website] [pdf]
In Submission
- Kyle Vedder, Eric Eaton. Sparse PointPillars:
Exploiting Sparsity on Birds-Eye-View Object Detection. Sparsity in
Neural Networks Workshop (SNN), 2021. [pdf]
- Spencer Lane, Kyle Vedder, Joydeep Biswas.
Augmenting Planning Graphs in 2-Dimensional Dynamic Environments
With Obstacle Scaffolds. Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on
Planning and Robotics (ICAPS PlanRob), 2017. [pdf]
- Kyle Vedder. Current Approaches and Future
Directions for Point Cloud Object Detection in Intelligent Agents.
2021. [pdf]
- Kyle Vedder. An Overview of SHAP-based Feature
Importance Measures and Their Applications To Classification. 2020.
[pdf] [slides]
- Kyle Vedder, Edward Schneeweiss, Sadegh Rabiee,
Samer Nashed, Spencer Lane, Jarrett Holtz, Joydeep Biswas, David
Balaban. UMass MinuteBots 2018 Team Description Paper. 2018. [pdf]
- Kyle Vedder, Edward Schneeweiss, Sadegh Rabiee,
Samer Nashed, Spencer Lane, Jarrett Holtz, Joydeep Biswas, David
Balaban. UMass MinuteBots 2017 Team Description Paper. 2017. [pdf]